import java.awt.*; // This library includes the graphics functions import java.applet.Applet; // This library is needed for applets import java.awt.event.*; // This library is needed for event handling public class Star extends Applet implements Runnable { // This creates the variable starThread of type Thread // using threads allows for different tasks to happen // at the same time. Thread starThread; // The variable out is used as a flag as to whether or not the // mouse cursor is in the game. // if out = 1 then the game is paused public int out = 0; // The following variables are used obvious public boolean gameover = false; public int kills = 0; public int health = 100; // This variable modifies how long the explosion sprite should be displayed public int deathWait = 12; // These three variable are used to determine the random time between // enemies appearing public int randomSeed = 50; public int randomTime = (int) (((Math.random() * randomSeed) + 1) + 50); public int timeInc = 0; // These arrays are used to hold varius data concerning the enemies // These could be grouped into a single object public int enemyX[]; public int enemyY[]; public int enemySpeed[]; public int enemyOpen[]; public int enemyType[]; public int enemyDeath[]; public int enemySlope[]; // These arrays contain data about the bullets being fired from the ship // again they could be grouped into a single object public int bX[]; public int bY[]; public int bOpen[]; public int bType[]; public int numBullets = 20; public int numStars = 30; public int bulletShot = 0; // These are for the star field public int starsX[]; public int starsY[]; // These can modify the screen size public int xSize = 640, ySize = 480; // These variables can be changed to speed up or slow down the game public int speed = 6; public int sleepTime = 16; // These are the coordinates for the space ship public int shipX = (xSize / 2) - 17; public int shipY = ySize - 80; // This is used for image buffering Image imageBuffer; // These variables hold the images for the game Image ship; Image enemy1; Image enemy2; Image ex; Image b1; Image b2; // This method initializes the some of the variables to be use in the game public void init() { setSize(xSize, ySize); enemyX = new int[5]; // The number 5 indicates that there are 5 enemies // that are going to be cycled through enemyY = new int[5]; enemySpeed = new int[5]; enemyOpen = new int[5]; enemyType = new int[5]; enemyDeath = new int[5]; enemySlope = new int[5]; bX = new int[numBullets]; bY = new int[numBullets]; bOpen = new int[numBullets]; bType = new int[numBullets]; ship = getImage(getCodeBase(), "ship.gif"); // This is how easy it is to // load a graphic enemy1 = getImage(getCodeBase(), "enemy1.gif"); enemy2 = getImage(getCodeBase(), "enemy2.gif"); ex = getImage(getCodeBase(), "ex.gif"); b1 = getImage(getCodeBase(), "b1.gif"); b2 = getImage(getCodeBase(), "b2.gif"); initStars(); repaint(); addMouseListener(new LocalMouseListener(this)); addMouseMotionListener(new LocalMouseMotionListener(this)); } // When the applet starts the thread starts! public void start() { if(starThread == null) { starThread = new Thread(this); starThread.setPriority(5); starThread.start(); } } // When the applet stops the thread stops! public void stop() { if(starThread != null) { starThread.stop(); starThread = null; } } // This will create a new enemy to scroll down the screen // Again there are only really 5 enemies that are cycled through // then enemyOpen[] array determines whether an enemy is currently "alive" public void newEnemy() { int r = 0; for(int a = 0; a < 5; a++) { if(r == 0 & enemyOpen[a] == 0) { enemyOpen[a] = 1; r = 1; enemySpeed[a] = (int) ((Math.random() * 5) + 1); enemyType[a] = (int) ((Math.random() * 2) + 1); enemySlope[a] = (int) (((Math.random() * 3) + 1) - 1); int t = (int) ((Math.random() * 2) + 1); if(t == 1) { enemySlope[a] = -(enemySlope[a]); } enemyX[a] = (int) ((Math.random() * (xSize - 32)) + 1); enemyY[a] = -32; randomTime = (int) (((Math.random() * randomSeed) + 1) + 50); timeInc = 0; } } } // This is the heart of the program // It runs over and over again while the thread is active and the program is // going! public void run() { while(true) { if(health == 0) { kills = 0; health = 100; gameover = true; } timeInc++; // This will call the newEnemy method if a random time // has elapsed for a new enemy to appear if(timeInc == randomTime) { newEnemy(); } moveEnemys(); // These methods update the sprites positions moveStars(); moveBullets(); collisions(); prepareImageBuffer(); // This method prepares the screen to be drawn repaint(); // This draws the graphics to the screen try { // This pauses the game starThread.sleep(sleepTime); } catch(InterruptedException e) { } } } // This creates the starfield in the background public void initStars() { imageBuffer = createImage(xSize, ySize); starsX = new int[numStars]; starsY = new int[numStars]; for(int a = 0; a < numStars; a++) { starsX[a] = (int) ((Math.random() * xSize - 1) + 1); starsY[a] = (int) ((Math.random() * ySize - 1) + 1); } } // This method moves the enemies public void moveEnemys() { for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if(enemyX[i] + enemySlope[i] < 0) { // These statements move the enemies haphazardly left and right enemySlope[i] *= -1; } if(enemyX[i] + enemySlope[i] > xSize - 32) { enemySlope[i] *= -1; } enemyX[i] += enemySlope[i]; int a = (int) ((Math.random() * 150) + 1); if(a == 3) { enemySlope[i] *= -1; } if(a == 5 & Math.abs(enemySlope[i]) < 8) { enemySlope[i] *= -2; } if(a == 6 & Math.abs(enemySlope[i]) > 0) { enemySlope[i] /= -2; } if(enemyOpen[i] > 0) { if(enemyOpen[i] == 2) { if(enemyDeath[i] == deathWait) { enemyOpen[i] = 0; } else { enemyDeath[i]++; } } if(enemyY[i] > ySize) { enemyOpen[i] = 0; } else { enemyY[i] += enemySpeed[i] + (speed - 6); // This moves the // enemy down } } } } // This method simply tests for collisions between the sprites on the screen public void collisions() { if(out == 0) { for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { // Tests for collission between bullet and player ship for(int a = 0; a < numBullets; a++) { if(bOpen[a] == 1) { if(bY[a] > shipY & bY[a] < shipY + 32) { if(bX[a] > shipX & bX[a] < shipX + 32) { bOpen[a] = 0; health -= 5; } } } // Tests for collision between bullets and enemy ships if(bOpen[a] == 1 & enemyOpen[i] == 1) { if(bY[a] > enemyY[i] & bY[a] < enemyY[i] + 32) { if(bX[a] > enemyX[i] & bX[a] < enemyX[i] + 32) { enemyDeath[i] = 0; enemyOpen[i] = 2; bOpen[a] = 0; kills++; } } } } // Tests for colision between enemy and player ship if(enemyOpen[i] == 1) { if((shipX + 32 > enemyX[i]) & (shipX < enemyX[i] + 32)) { if((shipY + 32 > enemyY[i]) & (shipY < enemyY[i] + 36)) { enemyDeath[i] = 0; enemyOpen[i] = 2; health -= 5; } } } } } } // If a bullet has been fired this will move it public void moveBullets() { for(int i = 0; i < numBullets; i++) { if(bOpen[i] == 1) { if(bY[i] < 5) { bOpen[i] = 0; } else { if(bType[i] == 1) { bY[i] -= 2; } else { bY[i] -= 4; } } } } } // If a star in the background reaches the bottome then it will go back to // the top public void moveStars() { for(int a = 0; a < numStars; a++) { if(starsY[a] + 1 > ySize - (speed * 2)) { starsY[a] = 0; } else { starsY[a] += speed; } } } // This prepares the graphics to being drawn to the screen public void prepareImageBuffer() { Graphics g = imageBuffer.getGraphics(); g.setColor(; g.fillRect(0, 0, xSize, ySize); g.setColor(; for(int a = 0; a < numStars; a++) { g.drawRect(starsX[a], starsY[a], 1, 1); } g.setColor(Color.yellow); g.drawString("Kills = " + kills, 5, 20); g.drawString("Health = " + health + "%", xSize - 80, 20); if(out == 0) { if(gameover == true) { g.drawString("Game Over", (xSize / 2) - 15, ySize / 2); } } else { g.drawString("Game Paused", (xSize / 2) - 23, ySize / 2); } g.setXORMode(; // This allows sprites to preserve the // background for(int q = 0; q < numBullets; q++) { if(bOpen[q] == 1) { if(bType[q] == 1) { g.drawImage(b1, bX[q] - (b1.getWidth(this) / 2), bY[q] - b1.getHeight(this), this); } else { g.drawImage(b2, bX[q] - (b1.getWidth(this) / 2), bY[q] - b1.getHeight(this), this); } } } for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if(enemyOpen[i] == 2) { g.drawImage(ex, enemyX[i], enemyY[i], this); } if(enemyOpen[i] == 1) { if(enemyType[i] == 1) { g.drawImage(enemy1, enemyX[i], enemyY[i], this); } else { g.drawImage(enemy2, enemyX[i], enemyY[i], this); } } } g.drawImage(ship, shipX, shipY, this); } // This draws the graphics to the screen public void paint(Graphics g) { g.drawImage(imageBuffer, 0, 0, this); } // This overides the update method for smooth animation public void update(Graphics g) { paint(g); } // This class listens for the mouse to be moved or dragged // when the mouse is dragged than a bullet is fired! // Also, when shift is held down then the ship goes wherever the mouse goes. // If alt is held down than a different bullet is fired! class LocalMouseMotionListener implements MouseMotionListener { Star parent; LocalMouseMotionListener(Star p) { parent = p; } public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) { int r = 0; if(bulletShot == 4) { if(gameover == true) { gameover = false; } for(int a = 0; a < numBullets; a++) { if(bOpen[a] == 0 & r == 0) { if(e.isAltDown() == true) { bType[a] = 2; } else { bType[a] = 1; } bX[a] = shipX + 16; bY[a] = shipY - 1; bOpen[a] = 1; r = 1; } } bulletShot = 0; } else { bulletShot++; } int xx = e.getX(); int yy = e.getY(); if(yy < shipY - 32) { speed = 9; } else { speed = 6; } if(e.isShiftDown() == true) { if(yy < ySize & yy > 100) { shipY = yy - 16; } } if(xx < xSize & xx > 1) { shipX = xx - 16; } } public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) { int xx = e.getX(); int yy = e.getY(); if(yy < shipY - 32) { speed = 9; } else { speed = 6; } if(e.isShiftDown() == true) { if(yy < ySize & yy > 100) { shipY = yy - 16; } } if(xx < xSize & xx > 1) { shipX = xx - 16; } } } // This class handles mouse clicking and whether or not the mouse is in the // game! // Again if alt is down a different bullet is fired. // I trap for all events that involve clicking and releasing the mouse // button to ensure that the bullet is fired. class LocalMouseListener implements MouseListener { Star parent; LocalMouseListener(Star p) { parent = p; } public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { int r = 0; if(gameover == true) { gameover = false; } for(int a = 0; a < numBullets; a++) { if(bOpen[a] == 0 & r == 0) { if(e.isAltDown() == true) { bType[a] = 2; } else { bType[a] = 1; } bX[a] = shipX + 16; bY[a] = shipY - 1; bOpen[a] = 1; r = 1; } } } public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { int r = 0; if(gameover == true) { gameover = false; } for(int a = 0; a < numBullets; a++) { if(bOpen[a] == 0 & r == 0) { if(e.isAltDown() == true) { bType[a] = 2; } else { bType[a] = 1; } bX[a] = shipX + 16; bY[a] = shipY - 1; bOpen[a] = 1; r = 1; } } } public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) { out = 0; } public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) { out = 1; } public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { int r = 0; if(gameover == true) { gameover = false; } for(int a = 0; a < numBullets; a++) { if(bOpen[a] == 0 & r == 0) { if(e.isAltDown() == true) { bType[a] = 2; } else { bType[a] = 1; } bX[a] = shipX + 16; bY[a] = shipY - 1; bOpen[a] = 1; r = 1; } } } } }